OVERVIEW: Education and Training have assumed a global phenomenon and the centre-piece of career development. Most countries invest in massive education and training, but they end up with a huge burden of graduate unemployment. The social problems this created are due to poor career planning and lack of education integration in occupational development. This observation is common in many developing countries, thereby prompting the clamour for the restructuring of the governance profile of educational and training institutions and their learning infrastructures.

Designed for:People who want to exploit the educational/training opportunities in the public service, particularly, in training or planning positions, to lead the way to a new governance paradigm. It will be very rewarding to planners who wish to offer professional educational services in the public sector.

AIM: this course is aimed at equipping the students with the skills and competence required to initiate and manage learning resources and training schemes.

Objectives: The programme seeks to produce high caliber international planning professionals who possess the requisite knowledge, skills and competence to excel, either as professional planning service providers or as stakeholders and/or executives.


PAPER 1 Educational & Training Needs Identification Planning ETP/FF 1
PAPER 2 Pedagogy & Learning Environment Planning ETP/FF 2
PAPER 5 Curriculum & Competence Development Planning ETP/FI 5
PAPER 9 Educational & Training for Special/Challenged Persons ETP/FP 9
PAPER 13 Educational and Occupational Planning Integration ETP/FP 13
PAPER 14 Continuing Professional Education & Training Planning ETP/FP 14
