Environmental issues have assumed a global phenomenon in recent times, rapidly generating massive public concerns around the world, especially in the wake of the prevailing climate change challenges. It contributes substantially to the painful emergencies of many countries where more and more places are becoming helpless victims of one climate related disaster or another. In spite of the obvious ominous climate change challenges to the entire planet earth, many countries lack any plan to deal with emergencies, and worse still, refuse to abide by international treaties on climate change. Scientists are increasingly blaring out warnings, but the current reality is that much of the warnings are falling on deaf ears! This faculty seeks to attract attention to the nature and characteristics of these disasters to arouse public interest to explore how the world can better respond, manage and plan relief measures; while promoting long term feasible preventive solutions.

Designed for
People who want to gain practical skills and in-depth understanding of issues, to deal with the critical inter-relationship between environmental issues and social development of communities and the state. The Programme offers opportunities, particularly, in management or planning positions in both public and private sectors. It will be very rewarding to planners who wish to offer professional services to the nations and other interest groups across the world in policy development and in implementing emergency measures.

– To provide professional training and solid intellectual base, to deepen knowledge and develop skills
built upon current techniques and state-of-the-art in planning and plan implementation.
– To open new doors of opportunities to develop expertise in response to the phenomenal global climate
change challenges and the myriad of indeterminate aftermaths.
– To promote requisite skills development for a more efficient and effective handling of emergencies and
relief measures.
– To promote and influence the development and implementation of the required policies and actions
necessary to respond to, and ameliorate the problems of emergencies and climate change challenges.

The programme seeks to produce highly influential international planning professionals who possess the requisite knowledge, skills and competence to excel in commercial and public service emergency related activities, either as professional planners; investors; stakeholders/or executives in agencies.



Course Title

Course Code

Paper 1 Ecosystem and Habitat Preservation Planning EEM/FF 1
Paper 2 Urban & Rural Infrastructures Development Planning EEM/FF 2
Paper 5 Environmental Challenges and Sustainability Planning EEM/FI 5
Paper 9 Environmental Impact Assessment & Remediation Planning EEM/FP 9
Paper 13 Global Environmental Challenge Management Planning EEM/FP 13
Paper 14 Emergency Challenge Management Planning EEM/FP 14
